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About us

Eaglestone is a cutting-edge real estate developer, specialising in investment and real estate development. Our innovative urban vision, our operational efficiency and the bold projects that we develop are all strengths that make the difference.

We have earned a reputation for the work and living spaces that we create, which all have high added value, combining sustainable development with contemporary architecture, in which art and design are inextricably linked with an urban dimension.


Prince, the majestic building delivered to Monceau Assurances

The Prince building located opposite the Municipal Park on Boulevard Prince Henri is the pride of Eaglestone Luxembourg and its owner Monceau Assurances. This exceptional building, freshly delivered, is the result of a partnership characterised by a1

Prince, the majestic building delivered to Monceau Assurances

The Prince building located opposite the Municipal Park on Boulevard Prince Henri is the pride of Eaglestone Luxembourg and its owner Monceau Assuran1

CBRE House makes Prism its home

Worldwide commercial real estate group CBRE has chosen Prism as its Luxembourg “CBRE House”! Despite the challenges currently facing the property sec1

The Arc is REAL! The new mixed-use building with a listed Art Déco façade has been handed over !

Eaglestone hands over The Arc, a mixed-use building, on time to Real I.S. This magnificent building with its thirties’ façade shines out once more fa1

Raphaël van der Vleugel is appointed new CEO of the Luxembourg subsidiary.

Eaglestone Luxembourg and Eric Dothée announce the end of their collaboration. Raphaël van der Vleugel is appointed new CEO of the Luxembourg subsidi1

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Votre développeur immobilier audacieux à Luxembourg

Forts de notre expérience, nous remettons en question les pratiques traditionnelles pour proposer des immeubles innovants qui favorisent le bien-être et la durabilité. Nos projets immobiliers stimulent l'évolution des quartiers, en créant des espaces publics de qualité et en adoptant des technologies avancées. 

En savoir plus sur Eaglestone Luxembourg et notre vision